Juani was a boy of twelve, intelligent, lively and in constant activity. Like all his race was the color of light chocolate skin and his hair was long, but it did something different from the others: his eyes, very bright and clever. He was thin, yet strong and resilient and, despite his young age, he was a great runner like all the Tarahumara, who have called themselves Raramuri, which means "the light foot.The men of this tribe have been recognized as the best endurance runners.
Besides the Tarahumara language I could speak the Spanish Juani, for he had learned in a school for Indians who had settled near Guachochi, there came, along with other kids, learn to read and write. Juani playing with other children from the village to target practice with bows and arrows they themselves built. But the game he liked best was that of Taba, which was played with bones of deer or goats which were thrown to the ground and by position in which ca-yeran had a different value. The child who earned more points reached grains of corn, Juani spent long hours playing knuckle-bones, and often came home with handfuls of corn.
As the eldest brother, Juani had to help his father in planting and corn co-Seck and accompany him to hunt deer and squirrels, while his mother stayed with the smaller food making and weaving blankets and sashes vibrant color.
When not playing with other children or accompanying his father to hunt the goats Juani family and sat under a tree with his dad played violin in the ceremonies of the people. The violin was a musical instrument well known among the Tarahumara Juani and liked very much.
A ndr é s the soothsayer . Juani had grown into a highly respected family in town, because his grandfather Andrew was a famous healer and soothsayer people who came from the village when he became sick. Furthermore, as was one of the chief priests, directed the ceremonies and dances that were made in times of drought to ask for rain to Father Sun and Mother Moon. The dance for the Tarahumara was very serious and ceremonious. More than a fun, was a kind of worship and incantation.